
5 months baby update!

5 months baby update!
8th September, 2017
I've decided along with my mommy to do an update on my development here on my blog every few months, so that you can watch me grow and be a part of my journey! Yesterday I've turned 5 months and my parents can not believe how fast time flew by. It feels like not that long ago I arrived to this world.

1. I babble none stop and I have been doing so for a good 3 and a half months!!
2. I scream the house down if I'm not being picked up or get what I want..
3. I like to turn on my front and scream like a mad woman into the blanket whenever mum or dad leaves me in my crib alone for more than 1 second!!
4. I love to talk while I'm feeding!!
5. I now began to try new flavours and tastes, mummy and daddy have been feeding me solids such as cooked beetroot, apple - my favourite, cooked carrot and so on. I am still breastfed most of the time though!
6. I still sleep in my parents bed and take up half of it!!
7. I try my hardest everyday to sit up, but I'm not strong enough just yet. Mummy sat me up in the picture above, but I fell flat on my face in seconds.
8. I am currently teething and can be very grumpy and demanding.
9. I love pulling my dog's ears and cats fur.
10. I love when my dady gets back from work, I gaze into him for hours, he makes me laugh like no one else!!
11. I crawl, in my very own way.. With my bottom up and face sliding across the bed.
12. My favourite song is 'Teacher's pets' and 'Itsy bitsy spider' - I always laugh when sang to me.
13. I enjoy bouncing in my jumperoo and rolling around on my play mat.
14. I finally stopped SCREAMING the place DOWN whilst in my pram, I love walkies now.

Ah yea, and I love to dribble all over daddy's fresh bedsheets and pull serious faces for the camera.